Tuesday, September 4, 2012

SLS: Street League Skateboarding

Okay. This entry is obviously about SLS and the cute guys on it. Haha!

I was thinking/missing Nyjah this morning so I decided to visit his facebook fan page and tada! This cover photo struck me.

Fine. I was too busy for these past few days and I forgot about the SLS 2012. Dang. Outdated. Back on track, Nyjah is one of my super duper crushes. Before hectic schedule went my way I was stalking Nyjah's preparations for the Tampa Pro 2012. Yeah. I stalked him, a lot. Like following him on twitter and reading his old tweets, reading his posts on his facebook fan page even if I believe that he's not the one posting them anyways. He's not that "techy", I know.He's on home school, he didn't even know his own email address like he spelled it as blah blah blah at blah blah blah.com instead of having @. Haha. Isn't he cute? Plus he has an OC attitude, very perfectionist, eager, competitive. He wants to work flawlessly. He's also under super strict parental supervision. Way cool! Here's one good video of knowing Nyjah and thanks to David Loy for spilling some good stories about my crushieee. *Blushies*

Street League Skateboarding was announced March 24, 2010 as a professional skateboarding event worldwide, launched by Rob Dyrdek. Dyrdek had the biggest names on the business sign to the league including Cris Cole, Ryan Sheckler, Paul Rodriguez, Nyjah Huston, Sean Malto, Torey Pudwill, and many more. I had to visit their website to know that! Haha! Great site! Here's a link: streetleague.com

Check out this SLS 2012 Championship footy!

They're the 8 elite pros. But anyways let's focus on the cuties. Haha! Spotted Sean Malto, Chaz Ortiz and Nyjah Huston right there? Oh! They're so cute. :-)

Nyjah now.
Nyjah before.
You look good with or without the dreads. Uhm. But I like you better without, so clean, so fresh. Yeah-ba! :-)

Sean now.
Sean before.
His face looks like those in Nickelodeon! idk if it's just me who sees the "Nick kid" on him. Haha!

Chaz now. Hottie. Tsss.
Chaz and Nyjah before. Cute little babies.
Nyjah nailed SLS 2012. Expected. Haha. Bias.

Here's a video of Torey Pudwill's winning run during Tampa Pro.

And of course, Nyja's on Street League.

Street League Highlights.

I do not claim to own any of the photos and videos on this entry.
Pics from their facebook official fan page: Nyjah Huston, Sean Malto and Chaz Ortiz.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Not that lazy

This blog goes out to my ever dearest friend Kim. Haha!

Kim is one of my closest friend everrr! One of the awesome-EST shall I say. :-) Oh! You gotta pay me for this Kim! Hahaha! She blogs (a lot), like everyday I guess she posts new items on twitter and too bad my mobile net is so limited so I couldn't check it out while it's still fresh. Anyways, she has a wide variety of entries, from travel, fashion, cosmetics, etc (End of Thinking Capacity) Haha!

Just to post something, here's a vid. Wait. This entry is so RANDOM.

I posted the vid earlier this afternoon on my facebook. The song has sense and that's a kid right there singing. I appreciate the impact, it caught me. I admit it, I like the song. And the cinematography (chos, kung maka-critic?) is effortlessly striking. Plus Willow and her young age, carrying the persona in the song gives the perfect essence of her freedom to speak out. I hope you can read between the lines because my thoughts are running and I'm not that good in writing. Sorry? Haha. Bottom line: I just like it that way. Effortless. Realistic. Full of impact. A bitch slap on the face.

Oh Willow, Willow.

She's  a daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. And yeah, she's big time! Plus oh, remember Jayden Smith of Karate Kid? They're siblings (of course). Haha. The two of them are so adorable.

More about Willow, here she is on Whip My Hair.

She had that super long hair then now turned shaved. That's one big OMFG, right?

I was a big fan of the song Whip my Hair. It's so fun. Yeah super fun! And it's saying like "I don't care.Haters gonna hate. I'm doing my thing and I'm having fun." Simple. 

Here's a vid of me and Nie Nie, also a close friend during college days. We were having our major class during this time, with other 4 sections I guess. It was a big class. It was so boring, so we just did this vid to kill the time! asdfghjkl;! *Shame. Shame. Shame.*Haha!

It's my first time to upload a vid from my computer hope it's not a flop. I'm too lazy to check if I did it right. Haha! I feel lazy, forgive me if I have typos and grammar errors. I have a phone call to pick up! *REASONS*

Thanks Kim, I love you. I miss blogging but my procrastination is swallowing me alive. Hoping for your kind consideration. I know you miss me writing. This one's is for you just to say that I'm not that lazy to make a simple blog. Haha! And! And! This is to promote you new blog site! La-la-love girlfriend!

Visit Kim's new blogsite!

Those 3 links direct you to the same site. Just for redundancy purposes for my beloved friend, Kim! *Wink!*

She's currently working on it. I promise you that you'll love her blogs as much as I love 'em! Okay?
That's just 13 keys to type in H E L L O K I M I . C O M
Did I count it right? Haha! Yeah! 13! Rechecked it!

Tootles Kim! xoxo



Told ya this entry is so random. Haha!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Out From The Jurassic Park

Okay. Long time no blog! Been away from home for almost 2 months now. While I was away, I was deprived from all the real time news. I felt so outdated. That feeling of being such a loser and I just couldn't help but say to myself "Duh Kate, you're so last season!" I hated it! Like you don't know what's going on with the world, and tell me how one can be aware if there's no TV and newspaper around. Yes, I have Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites in my mobile anytime and anywhere and I've been religiously reading abs-cbn and pag-asa's tweets. But information are incomparable to what I get on TV.  I felt like a caveman. And oh oh, I miss being entertained with the art and drama of politics. With the weather, It sucks to think that we were clueless if there really was a tropical typhoon or just hanging habagat, increasing signal alert or warning level, unbelievable floods, affected people, their sufferings, the response team, donations and the like. 

While I was away from the "real world" I met a lot of new people, so we made our own. J

Nothing is as hard as dealing with individuals with unique personalities. But it ain't a problem if you all share the same reason of staying together.

Pain is subjective. From the pain scale of 1-10, 1 as the least painful and 10 as the most painful. I say, I suffered with 10. Everything was a sudden change of environment and adaptation is always not instant. New bed, new routine, new faces, new scenes, the only thing old is myself. 

Too much with the drama, let's look at the bright side. So happy I met them:

Oops! Sorry wrong picture.
*They're so cute I can't help myself. Hihi. *
 J J J

So happy I met them:

Happiness is subjective same as pain. No words can say how glad I am I met them and I don't need to elaborate that. Come to think of it; our homes are miles apart, for all the batches that we could have been possibly in, for all the people who applied and got qualified, for all the chances and events that surrounded us, we met as one. J

To my batchmates who are closest to my heart, Thank you. And to those who I'm not so close with, thank you and how I wish I could have met you more. I know a lot of us wishes to extend the training course even if we are aware it's beyond our control. It's sweet, cute and funny thought. J Thank you for showing off your true personas. It's a nice feeling to know the people that surrounds you not just by their names. I may not know you all so good, but it's fine for me that I know you better than skin deep.  *Hugs and kisses*

My "thank you" is so overused. But I guess i'm not getting redundant to what I wanna say. J

The training course was so much fun! It's so manly. It's so interesting. It's all new for me. It's so out from the box and I so like it that way.

And to those who don't know yet or doesn't even care what I'm up to,*but i'm going to say anyway* HAHA - I have to fly for my 1st job. Yay to that! J Just saying to give you a picture of what my blah bla blah around here.

Here are some random pics! J


Our Class President : Desiderio Rafael Vivincie III
Yes. That's his real name. Amazing it is!
Salute to you Mr. Pres! J

Class discussion.

Morning exercise! I love, I love!

Coffee break! 

Smile for the camera guys!

*Yawn* I feel lazy. Bed weather, I love! J So that's all for now. Will make other entries soon!

AND OH! I'd love to post more snapshots but my OC-ness is getting into me again! Different sharpness and clarity quality hurts my eyes. 

Credits to Kuya MJ and Kuya Bob for the pics. 

Tootles! J J J

Sunday, June 17, 2012

OC Me!

Err. My OC-ness is killing me! Well, I just changed a lot on this page. I had a hard time searching for the right blah blah blahsss; from choosing the picture to be tiled on the background, layout settings, boarders and tabs transparency, variety of fonts to be used. And now it's so late. I mean yes, the time. It's totally getting late. I  need to get up early tomorrow for our final coaching!

The title? Yes. I'm a little OC (Obsessive Compulsive). As what my friends always tease me. Because I always tend to pay very much attention to the littlest details. I'm very strict with the things that majority of the people don't even care about. And I hate it why I'm like this!!! Notice how I give emphasis on words or exclamation points. They always come on three. Start checking the "blah..." on my intro. 

Must go to bed now. Tootles. J J J

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Feeling Techy

Oh! I finally know how to insert a video here! Yay! HAHA! Super flop lang ng intro ko no? Toink! Anyhooo, here's my "come back" blog after such a long time. Naks! "Come back" talaga? Feeling big time lang? Hehe. Honestly, I've been writing an awesome journal while I was out and not blogging. I was thinking like having this literary piece and have it produced on my own. Para feeling author din ako! Planning of book binding all productions and just have a hundred copies. It's really not that hard and hassle since  I can manage bookbinding, soft and even hard bound. I like crafts; cutting, glue-ing, and all that stuff. :-)

So let me share to you a little spoiler about the awesome journal that I was saying. This spoiling is kinda fun! Hihi. Because it's so narci, and so me! The title would be kate's blah blah blah  (A journal of an author wanna be. Well, it's so good I named it after me!). So how do you like that? I told you it's so narci! Haha. I'm having second thoughts about the title. I'm torn between kate's blah blah blah and kate's super book. 
*Fingers crossed about the journal! Hope procrastination won't eat me! :-(

Fine. Let me get you to this blog. Heard of Techy Romantics? I recently dash accidentally watched them on MYX weeks ago and I was like "oh, they sound good". It's so amazing because they were sharing that they only started out as online band and never expected that their first single would be a hit. They sound so humble and of course I was like "owwww". Here's the official MV of their song Out Of My Mind from their first album Touch.

Enjoy watching! :-)

For sure you noticed those super cute toys. Those are from kidrobot! The MunnyWorld Collection. And they really have great collabs with super artists and super toy brands!!! Excuse if I just obviously sound as a big fan. Cant help myself. Haha!

Techy Romantics and kidrobot didn't pay me for this blog. You think they gotta gimme some bucks for this? Chos! :-)

I changed some stuff around here. My display pic looks really small. So here' s a closer look! :-)


Monday, March 5, 2012

Almost a Boss

Okay. Im’ma tell you about a short story of my “almost-first-job” experience. J J J

Here’s a pic on my 4th day on technical chat support training. It’s so cold in our office so I got the chance to use my “for cold place” clothes: scarves, stockings, and did a lot of layering. Yay! J J J

We were always assigned on nocturnal shift. I really wonder why eye bags go dark when you’re working late night til morning. #justsaying Cool-freaky Science, please explain. J J J

I was on a customer service thingy, where we answer customers’ questions about this little portable USB device that allows you to make calls to United States, Canada, U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico for FREE! Much with this product knowledge stuff, let’s now proceed.

I had great times with my co-trainees. Others are younger than me, few are married, and more than half on my batch were fresh graduates from different schools so we got the chance to click since we are on the same age bracket. I saw different personalities, different outlooks in life, and different attitudes towards both negative and positive situations. It’s a new environment for me since it was my first time to “work” for something, for someone, for blah blah blah - I don’t know reasons. I had opportunities/chances/offers to work on a family businesses and stuff but I didn’t dare to chase it. Since I had this mind set to try to step out from someone’s shadow, to do things on my own, to draw my life path, and make a name on my own.

Anyhooo. Here’s the awesome-EST friends I met in the training course! J J J


*Here’s a funny story: One night we all conspired to miss a night of training, for us to bond or let’s just say hang out. We had pizza early that afternoon, enjoyed buffet dinner right after then an idea popped out from nowhere: “Manulod ta?”. Hahaha! Then opinions from here and there were igniting then ended up collaborating. 12 trainees were absent that night. (That’s more or less 30 customers in a moment, so kinda a big deal). The next day, company employees were saying like” Oh. How’s your team building?” (Grin). Others went like “More ice here.” (Smile). “Additional drinks here.” (Evil laugh). I just gave them a smile to make them wonder more about “Seriously? What did they do last night?” And my friends were answering “Team building was great! Now we’re totally bonded”. We were crazy. It was funny. And the experience was superb. J J J

I enjoyed talking a lot with them. We talked about random stuff under the sun. 70% are jokes, 10% are brags/ trash talks/ nonsense/ etc. And of course the 20% goes to discussions about work. I miss. I miss. J J J

Oh! Plus this ghetto pup that always walked around our office. He’s such a cuuutie. I had a lot of pics with him. *I guess I could spend a day talking to a dog.

Our job was fun. I mean, yeah honestly. We get to sit down, type, explain, assist, ask questions if we aren’t sure of something, chit chat with co-trainees, employees, and friends, eat while working, laugh on a joke that we overhear from here and there. It’s a simple life but I chose to take a different path. Fun is way different from happiness. But I was more than happy to meet my new friends; they all know my reason on quitting the job.

Okay. Fine. Just worked on my exit clearance last night. 

Please don't be bothered with the blog title. My co-trainees love me for who I am, they accept the "bossy me" and so we made our own group (all trainees) and named it after me since I gave the idea, that was just a stupid idea and they all bite on that. Haha! And that's the story.

P. S.

"If you are unhappy with your life always remember that you do have a choice." -Anonymous


Wednesday, January 18, 2012


It's 4am! And I feel like posting something.

For those who don't know what an ambigram is. Here's a definition from www.ambigram.com. "An ambigram is a typographical creation that presents two or more words within the same physical space."

Can't give you straight link to Wikipedia so you could know more about it, cause you know Obama's administration is up with SOPA and PIPA drama. (Won't give an opinion about it for now.) Anyway, check out this ambigram of my first name and my boyfriend's last name.




kate - dean

See?! How cool is that? Got this from an app on my friend's iphone4. It was funny cause the app gave this good ambigram right after my second try and the app couldn't make an ambigram for the owner's name. Bwahaha! I love you Kim! My friend, Kim also blogs. Click this to view her posts. J


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello Coco!

Coco is love. J

Wait. First of all he’s not named after Coco Martin. And second of all you say it as Kowh-Kowh like Coco Chanel. Okay? J So we’re good with that now? But I’m not anti Coco Martin, he’s obviously cute (Literally. I mean he’s “vertically challenged”. Haha!) and lisp! And I find lisp guys cute. Seriously. J

I have a new pup! Yay! J J J

He’s a Christmas gift from my 5 year-old inaanak, Rain. Yeah, from my inaanak. I know it’s totally ironic. And to make things worse, I didn’t give Rain even a single gift last Holiday Season. Reality check: I just graduated and that suggests that I’m broke. Haha! But I gave her gifts during her birthdays. So? Does that sound as a good excuse? J

That’s Yuna! Coco’s sister. I so love her but Rain won’t give her away. L

Let me explain. Last Christmas, Coco and Yuna’s mom was hit by a motorbike and was dead on the spot. Now you get a little about the story. I stand as the concern and loving foster parent. J Plus! A matter of fact when their mom gave birth, Rain and her family already decided to give one for me! They know how much I love puppies.

Coco enjoying his bubble bath!

See how cute he is! J J J I haven’t shopped any of dog stuffs yet because again: I’m broke. Haha! Poor puppy we just used Tresemme shampoo and conditioner for him. That product is not tested for animals but.. we just did! Haha. Coco was safe after the shower. Don’t worry. J

Coco is a mix shih tzu. That means he’s not pure of his breed. He’s 1 month old when I had him. November 9 is his birthday. That’s what Rain’s mom, Ate Ivy told me. He licks my toes a lot and he’s very mischievous. He loves to nibble around our flip flops and my uncle’s shoes. He argues with a ball of yarn(like a cat does) when I don’t feel like playing with him. He’s too playful and sometimes I could not stand his energy.

Will buy a dachshund next month! Yay! J Advance thanks to my bro, Philip!

What do you think will be a good name for a male pup?

Drop some suggestions please!


Sunday, January 8, 2012


Okay. I woke up, checked myself in the mirror, then I knew it’s not a good day. Good morning Kate! Hello you zit! I hate you! So, I have this newly popped up zit on my chin that I can’t help but get annoyed with its big size. I’m not over reacting. Swear. When I say it’s big, it’s totally big. Plus, it has another baby pimple on the side. Grr. I remembered an episode of Disney’s Dave the Barbarian. It was a stupid/crazy/hilarious cartoon. Yeah, the type of shows that I grew up with. So Dave’s sister, Candy had a zit which she was dying to get rid of. It was so overly big and the zit could actually talk. It was a exaggerated magical show and it's cartoons. Hello? And their born to be a failure wizard uncle tried to spell the zit out. And he failed as expected. Then tada! The zit came alive! Haha! The twist: Candy and the zit fell inlove with each other. They actually had a very sweet dance scene. Can you imagine? Haha! Hilarious, right? That was an epic zit!

Enough with the stupid love story, how do you take good care of your face?

I started using facial wash when I was in 6th grade. Yeah, I know it’s kinda early. I had my older sister and cousin that’s why I was like on a rush to grow up! Haha. Pond’s played a big part on my tween life. I tried a lot of their products. From facial wash, foam, scrub to cream. I started Clean & Clear Oil Control Compact Powder when I was in 2nd year highschool. It wasn’t my choice. My dad always “mis-shopped” Clean & Clear Pore Cleanser to their Compact Powder. It happened like 5 times I guess. I used to list down my needs every week and dad always go shopped all of it. I stopped using the powder in 3rd year because I realized that my skin wasn’t really the oily type but I always brought along with me Clean & Clear Oil-absorbent Papers. In senior highschool, Pond’s introduced their glitter powder and I loved it. So I regularly used it. Remember their loose powders? There were 3 kinds of it, the glittery blue, blushy pink and the beige one. I think the product was pulled out year 2007. I was an avid user of Clean & Clear Daily Pore Cleanser ever since highschool to college. I admit I was a fan of their products. Click the link to know more of Clean & Clear.

Thank God I have closed pores so I didn’t have much problems with pimples and stuffs. My concern was just little blackheads on my nose. After washing my face I put on Pond’s Daily Cream, the green one. Dirrrty fact: I wash my face only once a day. I’m really not maarte. And I’m kinda lazy. I was fourth year college when I found out that Clean and Clear pulled out my beloved Pore Cleanser. I had difficulty finding the next product to use. I had little red rashes when I used Garnier and so with Olay and St. Ives Apricot Scrub made my skin dry. I was afraid to use other products because my skin reacts to hypoallergenic products. How ironic. Plus! As much as possible I don’t use soap on my face. Yes, I say no to soap. It makes skin dry.

Here’s my beauty regimen:

· Tap water. My derma recommends cold water. She said it’ll keep your skin young. Stop using your heater. Don’t wait for your skin to go aging. J

· St. Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle Care. It suits me best.

· Watsons Nose Strip with Green Tea. I use it like once a month.

· Myra E Moisturizing Cream with SPF 15. A friend told me that St. Ives Moisturizer is good, I wanted to try it out but it doesn’t have any SPF. My derma told me to use sunblock everyday and to apply it 15-20 mins before exposing your skin under the heat of the sun. Let your skin completely absorb the product.

· Johnson and Johnson’s Baby Powder. My derma recommends it. Honestly. J

· Careline Tomato Blush with Vitamin C. It’s cheap and it fits my skin tone very well.

And that’s it! I told you I’m not maarte. Mlnw.