I’m in this paradigm where people around me are limited to do what they really want to. They are bounded on things, I mean a lot of things; for fun for adventures, for chances to know more about themselves.
Reality check: You’re in control.
A friend told me that she totally envies me on how I can decide my own and freely speak about me not keeping on “track”. (I hope you get what I’m trying to say here. Haha.) She kept saying how lucky I am to be in an seemingly easy world I’m in and I was like it’s my choice. It has always been a man’s choice to go where he wants to go and do what he wants to do. Autonomy. Govern yourself. It’s your life. Don’t be a puppet on a string. Don’t be afraid. Speak up even if your voice is shaking.
Honestly, I don’t envy the ones who are successful while doing jobs that aren't their field. But I am happy for them. I’m jealous to those who aren’t successful but continuously doing what they love. People who are driven by their passion, working all day and night and not getting tired. Excited to work for tomorrow, to see how things will turn out again. Not bored, not tired, not complaining. Some or shall I say majority, aren’t making much money on it. Maybe, not now. We can’t tell. I may sound impractical and unrealistic, but driving your own ride is more to life than any negative reasons and excuses in the world.
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