50 facts about me :3
- I don’t eat beef, but I eat corned beef and beef loaf.
- I don’t eat durian, but I eat durian candies.
- I don’t eat avocados, but I eat avocado ice candies.
- I crave for ice cream when the season is extremely cold.
- And noodles when it’s scorching hot.
- My first ambition was to be an engineer, just like my dad.
- Since I was young, I already know I could draw well.
- I joined art contests 3 years in a row in grade school.
- I didn’t rank for a place, not even once.
- But I had ribbons for Best in Art.
- I quit the craft in 5th grade.
- My first favorite color was black but I learned in Art class that black is not a color, it’s a shade.
- So I made fuchsia pink as my new favorite.
- I love purple.
- I used to bring only 1 or 2 notebooks in high school.
- I always hated math.
- I failed in Algebra when I was a sophomore.
- My dad had to provide me an amazing tutor. He got my Ate Wowo’s quiz bee coach. My Ate can dig super hard math.
- It’s the first and last red mark in all my report cards. Everrr.
- I had 10 plus points in the report card after the next grading period. That was no magic trick.
- I was an active student.
- I did dance sport and joined a competition.
- I used to join oratorical and smart talking contests.
- For all mentioned, I was always second best.
- I won a CAL troubleshooting contest. I was the only girl who competed in all 11 participants.
- I bring a lot of quiz papers back in the school days.
- My classmates teased me as O.C. because I always appeared overly organized.
- I stopped organizing my stuff in 4th year college. O.C. is a disorder.
- I don’t sleep in class or even take naps.
- I have always been skinny since birth.
- I eat a lot.
- I don’t work out.
- I have this allergic rhinitis thing.
- I’m totally an animal lover.
- I love dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles, etc.
- I’m a nature lover.
- I hate global warming, I participate in every Earth Hour and I support 3R and I'm a Green Peace cyber activist. Click this and get involve! :-)
- I always wanted to be an advocate for change.
- I don’t smoke.
- I hate the smell of second hand smoke.
- I always wanted a tattoo, but I’m having a doubt lately. I want my Kuya Philip to ink me, he's a tattoo artist.
- I want to donate blood. A whole lot of blood before I die.
- I’m O+ and I’m a universal donor.
- I was an active Red Cross member and officer.
- I have this book of death, it’s a simple journal. A literature before I die.
- I practiced nail art just last summer and got fed up before the end of the season.
- I had drum lessons and quit before I learned all the basics.
- And same story goes about my guitar, harmonica, fire dance practice.
- I’m a morning person.
- But I sleep a lot so I usually wake up late noon. mlnw.

oh yes. the beef eating's so weird! HAHAHAHA