Sunday, November 27, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Xejy: My Happy Vitamin
The story: I know she hated me years back. It was summer class 2009 when the school shockingly announced about the section reshuffling. I was assigned in section C and my super friends in section B. I always missed my friends and we were just a wall apart during classes. So, I spent most of the time in section B’s classroom. I was their super miss seat-in. My summer class teachers were all cool, short time lectures, seldom quizzes, 5 minute reporting, early dismissal. See! How cool was that?! And section B had group works, I mean group “dramas” (you know playlet and stuff? Mura lagi’g Star Circle Quest pirme), 50 item quizzes (which were almost everyday). Evil grin. I had no other problems in terms with that, it was just me missing my super friends. Oh! Plus another problem: The girl with big brown eyes who stared wickedly every time I was around. I noticed her hating me. I transferred to section B right after the next sem. There were a lot of group works, plus Xej and I were always in one group. She talked a lot like blah blah blah there and here and anywheeere. I was annoyed with it because she was a little bit of a “scene stealer”. Haha! Xej was everybody’s favorite and I wondered why. I was totally curious with that fact. Then one day I just felt liking her, just the way everybody did.
Let me tell you more about Xej..
She can awe anyone with her humor and energy, yeah surely she has that oomph. This perky girl who forever has back up knock-knock jokes, sometimes corny and most of the time insensible. Peace out Xej! J She’s weird, in a cute way. She talks a lot, she listens more. She says what’s in her mind, direct and sharp. Spontaneous, she is. She’s as smart as how she is talkative. She’s one smart ass. Can I hear an Amen for that? And she can make you feel comfortable even if you just met for the first time (unless if she doesn’t like you, the way she didn’t like me at first!) Haha. She can be as annoying as she wants to. She likes it when she gets into your nerves, I tell you. She annoys those who she loves the most. Tama ba Xejytot?
We don’t have a lot in common, but we agree in almost all things. Ironic ba? Di ba daw opposites attract? Hehe. E di vibes kami? J
FACT: She is one my favorite persons in the whole wide world.
She’s my happy vitamin. She’s a super girl. mlnw

Saturday, November 12, 2011
50 facts about me :3
- I don’t eat beef, but I eat corned beef and beef loaf.
- I don’t eat durian, but I eat durian candies.
- I don’t eat avocados, but I eat avocado ice candies.
- I crave for ice cream when the season is extremely cold.
- And noodles when it’s scorching hot.
- My first ambition was to be an engineer, just like my dad.
- Since I was young, I already know I could draw well.
- I joined art contests 3 years in a row in grade school.
- I didn’t rank for a place, not even once.
- But I had ribbons for Best in Art.
- I quit the craft in 5th grade.
- My first favorite color was black but I learned in Art class that black is not a color, it’s a shade.
- So I made fuchsia pink as my new favorite.
- I love purple.
- I used to bring only 1 or 2 notebooks in high school.
- I always hated math.
- I failed in Algebra when I was a sophomore.
- My dad had to provide me an amazing tutor. He got my Ate Wowo’s quiz bee coach. My Ate can dig super hard math.
- It’s the first and last red mark in all my report cards. Everrr.
- I had 10 plus points in the report card after the next grading period. That was no magic trick.
- I was an active student.
- I did dance sport and joined a competition.
- I used to join oratorical and smart talking contests.
- For all mentioned, I was always second best.
- I won a CAL troubleshooting contest. I was the only girl who competed in all 11 participants.
- I bring a lot of quiz papers back in the school days.
- My classmates teased me as O.C. because I always appeared overly organized.
- I stopped organizing my stuff in 4th year college. O.C. is a disorder.
- I don’t sleep in class or even take naps.
- I have always been skinny since birth.
- I eat a lot.
- I don’t work out.
- I have this allergic rhinitis thing.
- I’m totally an animal lover.
- I love dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles, etc.
- I’m a nature lover.
- I hate global warming, I participate in every Earth Hour and I support 3R and I'm a Green Peace cyber activist. Click this and get involve! :-)
- I always wanted to be an advocate for change.
- I don’t smoke.
- I hate the smell of second hand smoke.
- I always wanted a tattoo, but I’m having a doubt lately. I want my Kuya Philip to ink me, he's a tattoo artist.
- I want to donate blood. A whole lot of blood before I die.
- I’m O+ and I’m a universal donor.
- I was an active Red Cross member and officer.
- I have this book of death, it’s a simple journal. A literature before I die.
- I practiced nail art just last summer and got fed up before the end of the season.
- I had drum lessons and quit before I learned all the basics.
- And same story goes about my guitar, harmonica, fire dance practice.
- I’m a morning person.
- But I sleep a lot so I usually wake up late noon. mlnw.

Oh. How I love Surigao.
Photo taken in a gasoline station somewhere in Comval. We stopped over to pee for a sec. Long rides are kinda hard. :/
First stop: Aveflor Inn
Hurriedly, we checked-in at Aveflor Inn. The place was nice. Just so-so. Mountain top view: breathtaking, 9 ft deep diving pool: okay, free breakfast: nom nom, grill area: literally hot, air-conditioned rooms: literally cool, on and off network signal: FAIL.
Second stop: Enchanted River
The place was WHOA. I believe I uttered whoa every other sec. And I’m not kidding. Very enchanting, I promise you. You’ll see the school of fish swimming deep down the river while the people are whirling and floating above. Weird and scary you may think but that’s for real. That’s how clear the river water is. Every 4PM is feeding time! We had a closer view of the biiig fishes. Yay!
This one is funny. My friend’s mom reserved a cottage for us (How sweet is that!). The reservation was named after my friend Carlson Senedo and they wrote down Garlson Senido. Wala man lay tama maski isa. Haha.
And this one is shameful. My toes cramped during the last minute swimming. I was whirling to death and the pain was hell. Then I realized I wasn’t moving even a little toward a safer place. The life guard had to throw this life saver thing to me. People stared then in my mind was a background cricket sound of kroooo kroooo, so I grabbed the thing in slow motion para dramatic. Haha. Early that day I was repeating a hundred times like “Im’ma bay watch baby”. Took a pose. Click. More poses. Wore life vest. Then did dog swim - dog swim. FAIL. I’m not a good swimmer.
Woke up about 7am. But we actually planned to get up at 6, so suposedly by 7 we should have kept going because long rides were ahead of us and so little time to have fun. Surigao is kinda big.
Packed up and checked out then went straight to our next stop.
Third stop: Doll House
When we arrived, tada! We were shocked with this seemingly-never-ending stairway. We were all tired and sleepy. We were so not in the mood to check out Doll House that was actually featured in ABS-CBN’s Rated K and other national shows. No regrets, at least we had longer nap time. And I guess some of my friends have this phobia in dolls.
Fourth stop: Tinuy-an Falls
The 2-hour ride made me puke but the place made me slobber with its awesomeness. I felt like I’m in a haven. The place was jaw dropping. Drool.
Fourth stop: La Entrada
Hello great network signal! Hello wi-fi! Haha. La entrada was wonderful. The place was sorrounded with mangroves, it had floating restaurant and rooms.
Fifth stop: 21 Islands
La Entrada had boats for rent so tourists could explore the 21 islands. I think the travel took about 30 mins. It was not boring because the sea creatures were just astounding. Then we had boodle fight breakfast in one of the islands which was absolutely fun!

*P.A. namo na kana sa tunga, di ba artistahin sya? Hehe.
*Echus kaayo among driver ug P.A., sila jud magbuot unsa among i-pose. Manipulative kaayo. Haha.