Okay. Im’ma tell you about a short story of my “almost-first-job” experience. J J J
Here’s a pic on my 4th day on technical chat support training. It’s so cold in our office so I got the chance to use my “for cold place” clothes: scarves, stockings, and did a lot of layering. Yay! J J J
We were always assigned on nocturnal shift. I really wonder why eye bags go dark when you’re working late night til morning. #justsaying Cool-freaky Science, please explain. J J J
I was on a customer service thingy, where we answer customers’ questions about this little portable USB device that allows you to make calls to United States, Canada, U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico for FREE! Much with this product knowledge stuff, let’s now proceed.
I had great times with my co-trainees. Others are younger than me, few are married, and more than half on my batch were fresh graduates from different schools so we got the chance to click since we are on the same age bracket. I saw different personalities, different outlooks in life, and different attitudes towards both negative and positive situations. It’s a new environment for me since it was my first time to “work” for something, for someone, for blah blah blah - I don’t know reasons. I had opportunities/chances/offers to work on a family businesses and stuff but I didn’t dare to chase it. Since I had this mind set to try to step out from someone’s shadow, to do things on my own, to draw my life path, and make a name on my own.
Anyhooo. Here’s the awesome-EST friends I met in the training course! J J J
*Here’s a funny story: One night we all conspired to miss a night of training, for us to bond or let’s just say hang out. We had pizza early that afternoon, enjoyed buffet dinner right after then an idea popped out from nowhere: “Manulod ta?”. Hahaha! Then opinions from here and there were igniting then ended up collaborating. 12 trainees were absent that night. (That’s more or less 30 customers in a moment, so kinda a big deal). The next day, company employees were saying like” Oh. How’s your team building?” (Grin). Others went like “More ice here.” (Smile). “Additional drinks here.” (Evil laugh). I just gave them a smile to make them wonder more about “Seriously? What did they do last night?” And my friends were answering “Team building was great! Now we’re totally bonded”. We were crazy. It was funny. And the experience was superb. J J J
I enjoyed talking a lot with them. We talked about random stuff under the sun. 70% are jokes, 10% are brags/ trash talks/ nonsense/ etc. And of course the 20% goes to discussions about work. I miss. I miss. J J J
Oh! Plus this ghetto pup that always walked around our office. He’s such a cuuutie. I had a lot of pics with him. *I guess I could spend a day talking to a dog.
Our job was fun. I mean, yeah honestly. We get to sit down, type, explain, assist, ask questions if we aren’t sure of something, chit chat with co-trainees, employees, and friends, eat while working, laugh on a joke that we overhear from here and there. It’s a simple life but I chose to take a different path. Fun is way different from happiness. But I was more than happy to meet my new friends; they all know my reason on quitting the job.
Okay. Fine. Just worked on my exit clearance last night.
Please don't be bothered with the blog title. My co-trainees love me for who I am, they accept the "bossy me" and so we made our own group (all trainees) and named it after me since I gave the idea, that was just a stupid idea and they all bite on that. Haha! And that's the story.
P. S.
"If you are unhappy with your life always remember that you do have a choice." -Anonymous